The Kinship Care (Jennifer Taylor)
Catholic Family Center
(585) 262-7048
All the help you need to raise a relative's child
Bethany House
169 St. Bridget's Drive
(585) 454-4197
Baby items, clothing, food cupboard
Alternatives for Battered Women (ABW)
P.O. Box 39601
(585) 232-7353
Transitional support services for women, family court advocacy, dating, violence education
Child Protective Services
111 Westfall Road, 14620
(585) 461-5690
To report child abuse or suspected child abuse
Big Brothers, Big Sisters (Andrea Brown)
232 S. Plymouth Ave
(585) 442-2250
There is a waiting list for boys/Girls ages 6-16 are needed
590 South Avenue
Voice and TDD (585) 546-1700
Toll free in NYS 1-800-650-4967
They build the capacity of individuals with disabilities and their families to advocate for themselves.