Deaf Again Website by Author Mark Drolsbaugh
ASL Level 3 reads the autobiography Deaf Again by Mark Drolsbaugh.
Deaf Again continues to unearth the importance of discovering one's owndeaf identity.It's power lies in it's frame of reference. I've been on both sides of the fence and lived to tell about it. Although I found my place in Deaf culture, this is not a chest thumping Deaf Power book. It's more about being true to yourself. A lot of the truths in this book are universal and apply to everyone (and this, in turn, helps people from all walks of life understand that there is such a thing as a deaf identity).
Being true to yourself is a theme that continues to this day in Deaf Culture Online. One of the central themes that have popped up in DCO lately is the difference between fitting in and belonging. Here's a quote from elsewhere on this site:
Fitting in requires effort. It's exhausting and you can also argue that it's not genuine because it involves trying to win other people's approval. Belonging is a far more rewarding phenomenon where you can kick back, be yourself, and know you are accepted. This is far more authentic and often happens in the presence of one's true peers.