Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens.
If a child hears fine music from the day of his birth and learns to play it himself,
he develops sensitivity, discipline, and endurance. He gets a beautiful heart.
---Shinichi SuzukiStudents in third through fifth grade will continue to explore elements of music through singing, playing instruments, moving, reading and speaking. They will be introduced to songs and music that demonstrate a deeper understanding of pitch (high and low sounds, melody and harmony), dynamics (loud and soft), rhythm (long and short sounds) beat and pulse, and timbre (pronounced 'tam-ber' referring to the sound of an instrument) as well as exploring style, texture.
Students will continue to explore movement and music relating more refined elements of rhythm, pitch and style. Students will continue to develop their singing ability improving their development of good tone, breath control singing a variety of pentatonic and diatonic songs representing a variety of musical styles.
This month we're exploring a new way to work together! There are three basic games we're using to get more focused and have more fun making music. Ask your child about "Class/Yes!", "Teach/OK!" and "Scoreboard". We've started learning a new song; 'In Music We Welcome You' and exploring rhythm patterns on a variety of classroom instruments while singing the song. We've also begun learning our classroom rules: 1) Follow directions quickly, 2) Raise your hand for permission to talk, 3) Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat, 4) Make smart choices and 5) Keep your dear teacher happy!.