• Welcome to Mr. Poliszuk's Webpage
    "Bridging the gap between technology and the real world." 
    This site will primarily be used by 'Technology 7' scholars to access assignments, learning targets, and models and to help them develop an understanding of technology, products, systems and processes, problem solving, and the impact that technology has on people and the environment.
    Each assignment will be assessed out of 10 points. There will be an average of 1-2 assignments per day throughout the school year
    Unit 1: What is Technology?!
    1. Computer Lab Rules and Responsibilities Posters
    Learning Target: I can create and present two posters regarding computer lab rules and responsibilities.
    Example  Example
    2. What is Technology?!
    Learning Target: I can define technology, identify examples of technology and non-technology (nature), and look outside my classroom window to determine examples of technology and non-technology.
    This is Technology - we designed and created this!!  This is not Technology - we did not design and create this!!
    3. Needs and Wants!
    Learning Target: I can define and provide examples of needs and wants, determine specific items at school and/or at home that are needs and wants, and argue, whether money, in today's society, is a need or a want.
    We design and create Technology to satisfy our Needs and Wants!!
    *Extra Credit* Technology Vocabulary
    Learning Target: I can define new technology terms and match the new technology terms to their correct definitions.
    Technology is all the things around us which are designed and created by humans, to satisfy needs and wants!!  Innovation is the process of altering an existing product or system to improve its design!!
    7. Agriculture and Biotechnology
    Learning Target: I can define Agriculture and Biotechnology, select images that align with these technologies, and explain how these technologies impact ourselves and society.
    8. Information and Communication Technology
    Learning Target: I can define Information and Communication Technology, select images that align with these technologies, and explain how these technologies impact ourselves and society.
    9. Energy and Power Technology
    Learning Target: I can define Energy and Power Technologies, select images that align with these technologies, and explain how these technologies impact ourselves and society.
    10. Medical Technology
    Learning Target: I can define Medical Technology, select images that align with these technologies, and explain how these technologies impact ourselves and society.
    11. Construction Technology
    Learning Target: I can define Construction Technology, select images that align with these technologies, and explain how these technologies impact ourselves and society.
    12. Transportation Technology
    Learning Target: I can define Transportation Technology, select images that align with these technologies, and explain how these technologies impact ourselves and society.
    13. Manufacturing Technology
    Learning Target: I can define Manufacturing Technology, select images that align with these technologies, and explain how these technologies impact ourselves and society.
    14. 7 Areas of Technology Vocabulary
    Learning Target: I can define new technology terms and match the new technology terms to their correct definitions.
    7 Areas of Technology -Student Copy
    7 Areas of Technology -Mr. P's PowerPoint 
    15. The Seven Resources of Technology
    Learning Target: I can define and identify the seven resources of technology, choose appropriate emojis that represent each of the seven resources of technology, and choose a product, analyze its production and determine which types of specific resources were used in the development of that product. 
    The Resources Needed to Bake this Cake!!  
    16. 7 Resources of Technology Vocabulary
    Learning Target: I can define Agriculture and Biotechnology, select images that align with these technologies, and explain how these technologies impact ourselves and society.

    Unit 2: Become an Entrepreneur!
    1. Business Brainstorming
    Learning Target: I can brainstorm a list of feasible business opportunities I can pursue and choose a business opportunity of highest interest and profitability.
    What can you do at this age to make money?!
    2. Business Card Design
    Learning Target: I can design a business card for my company, using Vista Print software.
    Go to www.vistaprint.com to begin!
     Business Card Example
    2. Business Shirt Design
    Learning Target: I can design a business shirt using Custom Ink Software.
    Go to www.customink.com to begin!
    Business Shirt Example Business Shirt Example
    3. Business Hat and Mug Design
    Learning Target: I can design a business hat and mug using Custom Ink Software.
    Go to www.customink.com to begin!
    Business Hat Example Business Mug Example
    4. Business Flyer Design
    Learning Target: I can design and develop a Business Flyer, which can be used to market and promote a business.
    Business Flyer Example
    5. Business Etiquette
    Learning Target: I can identify and explain the proper ways to conduct myself to clients, so that I am respectful, responsible, polite, and successful. 
    Be polite and work hard!!
    6. Extra Credit - Printing Business Cards
    Learning Target: I can format my business card to 3.5" x 2", copy and paste the card so that 10 cards fit to a single page to prepare for printing. 
    Print out your business cards!!
    7. Extra Credit - All In One
    Learning Target: I can format my business materials into one document, so that it can be printed and displayed @ East High School.  
    Business Everything Example

    Unit 3: Career Research
    1. Reasearching Multiple Careers
    Learning Target: I can research multiple careers and choose one of highest interest and compatibility.
    Career Options
    2. Choose a Career to Research
    Learning Target: I can research multiple careers and choose one of highest interest and compatibility.
    3. Job Description, Education Needed, Pay
    Learning Target: I can research and identify my chosen career’s job description, education level needed, and pay.
    4. Skills Needed, Work Environment, Pros & Cons
    Learning Target: I can research and identify skills needed for my career choice, work environment, and pros and cons.
    5. College/School, Tuition Costs, Middle School Classes
    Learning Target: I can research and identify schooling/college I could attend to pursue my chosen career, as well as tuition costs and brainstorm a list of middle school classes that would help prepare me for my career choice.
    6. Conclusion
    Learning Target: I can analyze my research and information, and conclude my findings, explaining why I would, or would not want to pursue my chosen career, using the words pay, education, college(or school), tuition, work environment, skills needed, and pros and cons.
    7. Extra Credit
    Learning Target: I can define new Career terms and match the new Career terms to their correct definitions.
    Click HERE to access the study guide!
    Click HERE to access the quiz and games! 
    Study Stack

    Unit 4: Measurement, Electricity, and Problem Solving

    1. Measuring to the nearest 1/2" and 1/4"
    Learning Target: I can locate measurements on a ruler to the nearest 1/2" and 1/4".
    2. Measuring to the nearest 1/8" and 1/16"
    Learning Target: I can locate measurements on a ruler to the nearest 1/8" and 1/16".
    The Big Inch!!
    3. Air Skimmer Layout
    Learning Target: I can measure and layout an Air Skimmer, using a provided design with dimensions.
    Air Skimmer Plans Example
    4. Air Skimmer Build
    Learning Target: I can process and assemble an Air Skimmer, using a provided design with dimensions.
    Air Skimmers!!
    5. Air Skimmer Testing and Modification
    Learning Target: I can test and modify my Air Skimmer as needed, so that it travels the furthest distance possible.

    6. Paper Tower Design Activity

    Learning Target: I can design, sketch, and build a free-standing tower as tall as possible.

    Paper Tower Activity

    7. Straw Tower Design Activity

    Learning Target: I can design, sketch, and build a free-standing tower to hold a tennis ball as far off the table top as possible.

    Straw Tower Activity

    8. Plastic Pollution Design Problem

    Learning Target: I can design, draw, and present a solution that will clean the world's oceans of plastic pollution, and also research and identify ten ways to reduce plastic waste.

    Video: Plastic Ocean

    Video: Whale Dies After Swallowing 80 Plastic Bags

    Video: Diver Captures Footage of Plastic Pollution Near Norway

    Help us solve this problem!!


    Electricity is the flow of electrons!!
    Image result for electricity basic circuit diagram
    One goes out, they all go out!!
    If one goes out, the rest stay on!!
    If one goes out, that portion of the strand goes out, but the rest will stay on!!
    Design Labs
    1. Design and build a circuit which powers a motor, and can be turned on/off by a switch.
    2. Design and build a circuit which powers a motor with variable speeds. 
    3. Design and build a circuit which powers a motor, has an indicator light, and can be controlled by an on/off switch.
    4. Design and build a circuit that powers a motor and a buzzer, which are controlled by independant switches.
    5. Design and build a circuit that powers a motor, buzzer, and an LED - all which are controlled by independant switches. 

    Paper Tower

     Design a free-standing tower as tall as you can. 

    Materials: 1 sheet of paper, 24" tape

    Paper Tower  Paper Tower  Paper Tower  Paper Tower  Paper Tower  Paper Tower  Paper Tower


    Straw Tower

    Design a free-standing tower to hold a tennis ball as far off the table top as possible.

    Materials: 10 straws, 24" tape

      Straw Tower  Straw Tower  Straw Tower
    Straw Tower  Straw Tower  Straw Tower
    Straw Tower  Straw Tower  Straw Tower  Straw Tower  
     Pringles Packaging

     Design and test a package to safely ship a single Pringles Potato Chip through the US Postal Service without damage to the chip.

    Materials: Paper, index cards, popsicle sticks, tape, cotton balls, paper/styrofoam plates

    Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package  Pringles Package   Pringles Package Pringles Packaging  Pringles Package   Pringles Package  Pringles Package

     Radioactive Rocks

    A container holding radioactive rocks is deteriorating. The rocks must be moved to another container to prevent radioactive leakage.

    Design and construct a device that will move "radioactive" rocks from one bag to another without human contact and beyond a distance of 6 inches from the human body.

    Materials: String, drinking cups, skewers, paper clips, rubber bands, 3x5 index cards, pencil, 12" tape
    Danger!! "Radioactive" Rocks
    Plastic Pollution
     Video: Diver Captures Footage of Plastic Pollution Near Norway

    Plastics have been used for decades and have been polluting our Earth and oceans since its development. Land, Air and Marine wildlife have mistaken this plastic for food and have been injesting this plastic - causing widespread sickness and death.

    Design, draw, and present a solution that will clean the world's oceans of plastic pollution.

    Graphic Organizer

    The Recycling Waste Game!!

    Help us solve this problem!! How can we fix this problem!?


    Study Guide 1: http://www.studystack.com/quiz-1935802
    Score 100% on Study Guide 1 and 2 for an Ice Cream of your choice
    Final Exam Test Results
    85% or higher = Ice cream and pizza party with Mr. Poliszuk
    65% - 84% = Ice Cream of your choice from Mr. Poliszuk

      Summer School @ Franklin HS

     Design and Drawing for Production (DDP)

    The Ruler Game

    Air Skimmer Design

    Stephen Poliszuk
    East Lower School
    585.288.3130 Ext. 4213
    Computer Lab - Room D213