Curriculum 2017-18 Stand-Alone ENL
This course is an ESOL class for 9th through 12th graders. It is designed to help scholars specifically with their ELA and Social Studies, and prepare for ELA Regents/Common Core exams that are taken in the third year of high school. Scholars also gain language skills to be successful in their other classes. This course is organized to help scholars in language and vocabulary acquisition. The class will focus on skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking and language skills to assist scholars in being successful in high school, college, and in their future careers.
Scholars will engage with and evaluate fiction and non-fiction texts. Scholars will practice close reading of text. Scholars will acquire and apply a variety of reading strategies, a "toolkit" with in-class texts, as well as those texts they encounter in their content classes.
Grades: There are four, 10-week marking periods. A scholar's grade is based on assessments, in-class work, homework, and participation in learning and practicing a new/second language.