Doctor's Offices are OPEN to see patients for physicals, immunizations, and screenings. Please click on the flyers below for more information including info on safe transportation during COVID.
Doctors' Offices are Open (ENG)
Safe Transportation to MD (ENG)
Doctors' Offices are open (SPAN)
Safe Transportation to MD (SPAN)
Please be advised that health examinations will be required for all new entrants and students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. These examinations may be done up to one year to the month before your child begins these grades. The exam will be valid for a full year through the last of the month in which the exam was conducted. In addition, Education Law, Section 903, and the Regulations of the NYS Commissioner of Education require physical examinations of all children when they:
Enter the school district for the first time,
Participate in interscholastic sports,
Need working papers,
Are referred to/by the Committee on Special Education,
Are deemed necessary by the school authorities to determine a child’s educational program.
* Please be advised for sports participation in the 2020-2021 school year physical from the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years will suffice.
We recommend that all examinations are done by your family physician or healthcare provider. If you do not have a healthcare provider and/or insurance, please reach out to the nurse in your child’s school for assistance. You or your provider may return the completed form to the Nurses Office.
You or your physician can access the forms on the District website at www.rcsdk12.org. Click ‘Departments’ then ‘Student Health Services’ then select 'Health Services Forms' in the menu. You may need the 'Health Certificate/Appraisal Form' and/or 'Dental Health Certificate'.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Welcome to The RCSD Office of Student Health Services
About Us:
The Office of Student Health Services is responsible for assessment, monitoring, protection and nurturing of students' physical well-being and health literacy through increasing students' access to health assessment and care at school, home, and the community. The department's aim is to decrease barriers to learning. Student Health Services coordinates and directs the District provision of health services through development of cooperation, collaboration and networking within the District and the larger health community.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Health Services at 262-8497.