• If you find yourself with this guide sitting on your lap or on your computer screen, it is because you recognize that there is a gap in our curricula regarding the Latino immigration experience in the United States. As an educator, you may know that English language learners are “among the furthest behind” their peers, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (2011; 2017). Over the past 15 years, the number of ELLs in middle school classrooms in the United States has risen dramatically (U.S. Department of Education, 2018), resulting in a higher number of ELLs at the high school level. Thus, more than ever, among a number of strategies and collaborations that must take place, the histories of Latin American immigrants and the stories of our students and their families need to be a part of our classroom. This guide is here to help. This teachers’ guide is comprised of five lessons that use the documentary Harvest of Empire as a starting point for discussion, research, and reflection. These lessons make connections across place and time, delve into current immigration debate and policy, and also build empathy. Each lesson can stand alone, meaning a teacher can select a lesson that best fits his/her needs or teachers can use this guide to create a unit on immigration. Please click the icon below:

    Harvest of Empire Lessons