• Marshall Jaguars

    Jaguar Athletics follows the Rochester City Athletic Conference Modified Sports Mission and Vision


     Modified athletics is an opportunity for students to learn athletic skills to compete at the JV, Varsity levels, and beyond. Students learn fundamental physical skills of their sport, while also developing self-discipline, perseverance, and integrity; these are the characteristics of an athlete.


    To cultivate a community where every student is empowered through athletics to embrace new challenges, foster lifelong wellness, and achieve personal and professional success in a dynamic world.


    Embrace, Empower, Achieve (Embrace the challenge, Empower through preparation and practice to Achieve success).


  • Core Values: Be a ROC STAR!

    1. Respect- for yourself, others, and the game
    2. Open-minded- inclusion and equity
    3. Courageous- to lead and try something new
    4. Self-Discipline- Effort and Attitude are the only things you can control. What do you do when no one is watching?
    5. Tenacity- Persistence, how do you respond to failure and when things get difficult?
    6. Adaptability- things change, how do you respond?
    7. Responsibility- being on time, being prepared for practice
  • Sports Offered:

    Fall (Sept 9 to Nov 1): Cross Country (Coed), Volleyball (Boys and Girls), Football (Hosted at NW @ Douglass Campus), Coed Unified Bowling 

    Winter 1 (Nov4 to Jan 24): 7th and 8th Grade Girl's Basketball

    Winter 2 (Jan 27 to April 4): 7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball

    Spring (April 7 to June 11): Track and Field (Coed), Baseball, Softball, Flag Football

  • Coordinator of Health, Physical Education, and Athletics:

    Ashley Pierce

