New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test
The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) is designed to annually assess the English language proficiency of all English Language Learners (ELLs) enrolled in Grades K–12 in New York State schools. The test gives the State and schools important information about the English language development of English Language Learners and is part of the State’s compliance with federal laws that mandate the annual assessing and monitoring of English language proficiency of all ELLs. The assessment consists of a series of tasks which test students in four modalities: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.Who takes these exams?Any K-12 student who is classified as an English Language Learner is required to take this test each year.How are the results of these assessments used?NYSESLAT results are used by teachers to plan instruction that is best suited to students' needs. Students who demonstrate proficiency through the NYSESLAT are exited from services and are no longer classified as English Language Learners.
How much time do these assessments take to administer?Students are given as much time as they need to complete all portions of the NYSESLAT. The written portion of the test is administered over three separate days. In Kindergarten, it is estimated that the written portion will take students between 90 to 105 minutes to complete. In grades 1 through 12, it is estimated that the written portion could take students between 105 and 165 minutes to complete. It is estimated that all the speaking portion will take most students approximately 15 minutes.For additional information about NYSESLAT or services provided to English Language Learners, please contact RCSD Office of English Language Learners.
NYSESLAT Spring 2024 Testing Information
This spring, ENL students in grades K-12 will be administered the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) to determine their English language proficiency. This assessment is given every spring and the results are what determines a child’s level of English as a New Language support for the 2023-2024 school year as mandated by Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154.
NYSESLAT Speaking testing takes place from April 15 - May 24.
NYSESLAT Listening, Reading, Writing takes place May 13 - May 24.If you have any questions about testing schedules, please contact your child’s ENL teacher or school.