Pinnacle School No. 35
School Information
Start Time 7:30 a.m.
Dismissal Time 2:00 p.m.
Grade Level PreK-6194 Field Street, Rochester, NY 14620
Phone (585) 271-4583
Valerie L. Holberton (Acting)
Assistant Principal
Maria Petrella
Parent Contact
Jessmarie Sanchez
Board Liaison
Isaiah Santiago
School Chief
Rhonda Morien
DASA Coordinator
Maria Petrella
What Every Family Should Know
Pinnacle School # 35 is a public school that serves children in grades K-6, hosting a bilingual classroom at each grade level. Nestled in the South Wedge Community close to the downtown area where museums are within walking distances. Restorative Practice, Band, Arts, and individualized/group lessons are a part of our instructional program. College partnerships with SJFC, Brockport, Nazareth, Roberts Wesleyan and MCC provide opportunities for targeted learning groups within classrooms. Students participate in Bi-Monthly School-Wide Meetings to share and celebrate learning of curriculum and cultural awareness for school community.
School families are involved with the School’s PTSO (Parent, Teacher, and Staff Organization) and plan monthly activities to support school family and community participation.
Program Features
Uniforms Required YesForeign Languages NoEnglish Language Learners YesHonors/Enrichment Classes NoEarly Literacy Program NoChorus YesBand/Orchestra YesInstrumental Music Lessons YesSports NoStep Teams NoExtended/Expanded Day NoSaturday School NoOn-Site After-School Care NoSummer Programs NoBusiness/College/Faith Partnerships Third Presbyterian Church, Browncroft Community Church, Nazareth College, St. John Fisher College, Principal’s Lending Closet
Unique Features
Pinnacle School # 35 serves English Language Learners across various levels of language acquisition. Pinnacle has various community partners that provide students with 1:1 tutoring in Reading, Math and Social Emotional learning.
The 25 Book Campaign and software applications, iready, Zearn, Dream Box,, Flocabulary, and Accelerated Reader are used to promote literacy.
Character Education Programs: The school implements the School-Wide Positive Behavioral Supports (SWPBS) and Restorative Practices program and participates in the Primary Project, which proactively supports students’ emotional and social needs in the primary grades.
Transitional Bilingual Program that develops students’ home language of Spanish while students learn English.
English as a new language (ENL) services support students’ academic needs.
Technology tools (Smartboard, IPad, Chromebooks and Document reader) used to support instruction in all grade levels.
Classroom Morning Meeting and School–Wide Morning Meeting held twice a month to support and foster a community of caring and respect for learners.
CCLC: After-School Collaborative Program: Provides 65 students with enrichment and a snack
Reading and Intervention teachers to provide additional, small group reading and math support.